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Monday Moods: “Strings Attached”

Your weekly playlist, curated by California.

If you tuned in to last week’s playlist you caught us in our feels a bit, but now that the air is getting cooler and the days are getting shorter, we kinda want to keep things on a nice low and consistent heat. This week’s Mood features a pensive ballad from Mississippi-born, LA-based young blood Austin Ward, a folk number from Distant Cousins, singer/songwriter (and sculptor!) Tawny Ellis’ country-tinged anthem “Pretend Love,” a slice of acoustic perfection from couple Jim & Sam, and the latest single from Pearl Charles, who Billboard has compared to female luminaries Lana Del Rey and Jenny Lewis.

All the tracks below—and a host of others—can be heard on our “Stay Golden” Spotify playlist. Just hit that follow button to get fresh tracks served up every week, all from artists who call the Golden State home.

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Tawny Ellis

“Pretend Love”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/0kMTc2ZvD5tiMmiBUEvTYS?si=LWlaeVWuRFq7wWAJ-0LyYA”] LISTEN [/button]


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Distant Cousins

“Here & Now”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/4fMD9HcONW4qTsD1vg6ZXp?si=l7mF-85YR66b7x9U8GXnoA”] LISTEN [/button]


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Pearl Charles

“What I Need”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/0rAinYPeH66N56cto3MLy8?si=vm5-Rc-VR7OSvqueioMlbg”] LISTEN [/button]


[column md=”4″]

Jim & Sam

“Where Are You Now”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/32rdqn4KS0495v1q3vWxLt?si=0zOlOUiuQqKdD0Cu2q8piA”] LISTEN [/button]


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Austin Ward

“Run the Other Way”

[button type=”default” size=”lg” target=”blank” link=”https://open.spotify.com/track/2jH8Hf5xo7BDseC9FNDJ0a?si=pmoPefgOSTy2F_Wu48tooQ”] LISTEN [/button]




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